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Racing Regulations

1. The safety of every Seabird and her entire management including insurance shall be the sole responsibility of the owner and/or competitor racing the Seabird.


2. Every owner and/or competitor entering any Seabird for any regatta or open race under the Rules of the Association impliedly warrants:-

2.1 That he/she holds a current valid Certificate from the Association in respect of that Seabird and

2.2 That he/she holds a valid and current Boat Insurance which covers him/her the relevant Seabird and its crew against liability in respect of third party claims for at least half a million pounds (or such higher sum as the Committee may designate) whilst racing and that he/she will continue to maintain such insurance whilst engaged in racing under the Rules of the Association.


3. Racing under the Rules of the Association will be under the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) RYA Provisions and these

Racing Regulations. Races shall be conducted subject only to sailing directions of the organising association or club.

4. Every Seabird racing under these Regulations must carry at least two persons. Efficient personal buoyancy must be worn at all times.


5. Each Seabird racing under these Regulations shall carry the following:-

 (1) An anchor of recognised pattern weighing not less than 6 kgs.

 (2) 30 metres of 6mm (quarter inch) small link galvanised chain .

 (3) One pair of oars and rowlocks or sculling oar and rowlock in lieu (per specification).

 (4) Adequate type of communication & location method (eg VHF radio, Mobile phone) and/or distress flares.


6. Every Seabird shall display on the peak of her main sail the distinguishing number allotted to her by the Association in accordance with the current Specification.


7. No Seabird shall be eligible for any regatta or race under these Regulations unless her sails carry the stamp marking of the Official Sailmaker.


8. Sails to be carried.

Not more than the three sails (main, jib and spinnaker) may be set at the same time.


9. Spinnaker.

The spinnaker boom sheet shall not be passed to leeward of the forestay. The spinnaker boom must be fixed against the mast by some convenient method. The length of the spinnaker boom shall not exceed 8 feet overall.


10. No Seabird may be entered for any regatta or open race for boats of the Seabird class unless:-

  (1) The hull has first been weighed in the presence of the Official Measurer in accordance with the Specification and found to weigh not less than the regulation weight of not less than 650 kgs.

  (2) The ballast set (weight separately) weighs not less than 245kg and not more than 263kg.

  (3) The weight of any Seabird having a hull dry weight less 585kg shall be increased to not less than the regulation weight by the application of additional ballast at locations determined by the committee.


The Seabird Association

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